Emune develops technology to enable activation of virtually any target nerve without surgery.

Discoveries in immunology and neuroscience show that inflammation is regulated by nerve signals. Technology targeting these nerves can regulate the molecular mechanisms that underlie inflammation and treat disease.

Project Goals

  • First-in-man optimization of effective non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation

  • A clinical trial using non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of inflammatory disease

“The advancement of technology is continuing to change the world. Bioelectronic medicine, the convergence of molecular medicine, neuroscience, engineering and computing to develop devices to diagnose and treat diseases, is at the forefront of a potential revolution in disease management.”

“Development of new therapies relies on detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease. Pharmaceutical drugs are optimized to target defined molecular mechanisms, but often lack anatomical and cellular specificity, which inevitably causes toxicity from off-target effects. Drugs are not inherently designed to adapt to individual treatment, so both under- and overdosing are common, resulting in therapy failure or unwanted side effects. Advances in bioelectronic medicine hold promise to address some of these challenges and provide personalized treatment of disease.”


— Peder S. Olofsson & Kevin J. Tracey

JIM, 2017, 282; 3–4